Support JHS
"Your generous gift will keep Jesuit affordable, diverse and accessible to all students. We can't thank you enough.” Thomas D. Arndorfer, President
We Appreciate Your Support!
Your secure online gift represents a generous investment in Jesuit High School's success today and in the future. Thank you! All gifts to Jesuit High School are tax-deductible. If you have any questions or want to give in other ways such as planned giving, gifts of stock, or other assets, please call the Development Office directly at 503-292-2663 or e-mail
Types of Gifts
Annual GiftS
The Annual Fund is a yearly fundraising initiative that provides 5% of JHS’s operating budget. -
Planned Gifts
We are happy to talk with you about including JHS in your long-term estate or financial plans. -
Memorial & Honor Gifts
Memorial and Honor Gifts are meaningful ways to honor someone who has been significant to the community. -
Endowment Gifts
Gifts to the endowment provide a permanent and reliable source of income for the school.
Ways to Give
Give online
Fill out our secure online donation form to make a gift of any size. -
Phone in a gift
Give us a call at 503-292-2663 -
Mail a check
Mail your check to:
Jesuit High School
9000 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy
Portland, OR 97225 -
Make a pledge
Donors may set up a pledged gift, which is paid off in increments over a specified period of time.