Jesuit Resources

  • Jesuit Schools Network - The Jesuit Secondary Schools Network initiates programs and provides services that enable its member schools to sustain their Ignatian vision and Jesuit mission of educational excellence in the formation of young men and women of competence, conscience and compassion.
  • Jesuit College Search Service - The Jesuit College Search service presents a directory of addresses, links, and information to help students find a Jesuit college or university. Students can search the database by major, size, and location to find the school that's right for them. Applications and brochures can also be requested directly from the site.
  • US Jesuit Conference - This site offers information on the Society of Jesus, as well as its founder, Saint Ignatius of Loyola. It also offers a vast array of official documents, historical notes, and spiritual resources rooted in the Jesuit tradition.
  • Jesuits West - Jesuits West serves as the "home base" for the Jesuits of Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Washington, and Alaska. Read about their spirituality, formation, ministry, as well as the stories of men who have followed the Lord's call to be a Jesuit.
  • - Curious about Jesuit life? This site provides information about the Jesuit vocation and an opportunity to connect with a Jesuit priest by region. 
  • Ignatian Spirituality - Ignatian spirituality is a way to pray, an approach to making decisions, a point of view about God, and a practical guide to everyday life. Explore this site to learn more about what this spiritual approach means and for information about prayer, spiritual direction, retreats, and good decision-making from Jesuit and Ignatian sources.
  • Creighton Online Retreat - A 34-week Ignatian retreat in daily life is offered by the Online Ministries at Creighton University. The retreat can be made individually or in groups. MP3 versions of the retreat are also available to download.
  • Sacred Space - This very popular website produced by the Jesuits of Ireland offers daily prayers, reflections, and readings.
  • Pray-As-You-Go - Download daily prayers for your MP3 player from this website produced by Jesuits in the UK.