Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Reading & Resources
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Jesuit High School Mission & Identity |
Jesuit High School Mission |
Men and Women with and for Others |
A phrase coined by Father Pedro Arrupe, SJ used to describe the hope for students educated in the Jesuit tradition |
https://www.usfca.edu/sites/d efault/files/men_for_others.pd f |
Universal Apostolic Preferences |
Four themes [showing the way to God, walking with the excluded, journeying with youth, and caring for our common home] that all Jesuit works across the world will focus on from 2019 to 2029. |
Profile of the Jesuit High School Graduate |
5 characteristics that Jesuit students should embody, used at all Jesuit secondary institutions across the nation. |
http://www.jesuitportland.org/ uploaded/About_Us/Files/Pro file_of_the_JHS_Graduate_ Website_-_Revised_Oct_201 0.pdf |
Resources from Jesuits & the Jesuit Schools Network |
Our Way of Proceeding: Domain 5 |
Required mission driven work in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion from the Jesuit Schools Network |
https://jesuitschoolsnetwork.o rg/wp-content/uploads/2021/0 5/Domain-5-Revision.pdf |
Jesuit West Provincial Letter: July 16, 2020 (Scott |
Santarosa, SJ) |
Jesuit West Provincial Letter: October 26, 2021 (Sean Carroll, SJ) |
The Characteristics of Jesuit Education |
http://www.sjweb.info/docume nts/education/characteristics_ en.pdf |
Collaborative Organizing for Racial Equity |
Ignatian Solidarity Network: Faith in Action: Racial Justice Resources |
https://ignatiansolidarity.net/re sources/faith-in-action-respon ding-to-racial-injustice/ |
Catholic Resources |
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Catholic Social Teaching |
https://www.usccb.org/beliefs- and-teachings/what-we-believ e/catholic-social-teaching/sev en-themes-of-catholic-social-t eaching |
Catholic Relief Services |
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: A Pastoral Letter Against Racism |
https://www.usccb.org/beliefs- and-teachings/what-we-believ e/catholic-social-teaching/sev en-themes-of-catholic-social-t eaching |
St. Mary’s Press Scope & Sequence: Understanding Racism |
https://4.files.edl.io/e70a/10/0 5/21/213510-0bf998a7-7ef7-4 |