Junior/Senior Year

Planning Tips & Reminders Videos:

This service program is a requirement for graduation – we believe the hands-on experience of meeting and working directly with people who are marginalized by our society is an invaluable educational tool, as well as a tremendous chance for personal change. The purpose of this project is for students to be present with – to be with and to learn from – people on the margins of society. It’s very important that students have personal contact with people on the margins and are not working behind the scenes.

To complete this requirement, each student must perform a minimum of 65 hours of service work with an approved agency or program where they will be able to learn from people who are marginalized by our society. The educational goal is learning about social justice from people who have experienced injustice. Below are some reminders about assignment due dates.

  • The Contract is due on Canvas within the first 5 hours of service. If we have not received the Contract at the start of their work, the hours will not count.
  • The Journal is due by the deadline (Sep 1, Dec 1, May 1) in the Arrupe Center for Justice. Students should write in their Christian Service Journal every day they serve.
  • The 5-7 page Final Paper is due on Canvas shortly after the Journal due date.

If all components of the project (work, journal and paper) are not completed by the due dates, a student will receive a failing grade for their Junior/Senior Christian Service requirement. A passing grade in Christian Service is a requirement for graduation. If an emergency arises, or for some other reason they are not able to finish their hours this summer, they must submit a Change of Deadline Request form (available on Canvas).

Students -- not parents/guardians -- are expected to take the lead in planning this project!

Parents/Guardians, please note: Students are NOT allowed to miss school for any of the three school service requirements. Service is to be completed on their own free time.

How to Begin Your Junior/Senior Christian Service Project

Selecting a placement

When selecting an agency or program for your Christian Service project, first consider who will challenge you the most. Christian Service is a learning experience, and therefore a good time to work with people who make you uncomfortable, because you can grow tremendously by being uncomfortable. You should also consider your interests, talents and strengths, your schedule, and what transportation you will need to get to your placement. (Time in transit does not count toward your hours. You can count up to 16 hours of training towards your 65 hour commitment.) The list of approved service placements is located to the left of this page (be sure agencies are approved for the Junior/Senior Project). Most Jesuit students will choose from this list. If you wish to work at an agency not on this list, you must get approval from the Arrupe Center for Justice before starting any project (approval forms are available on Canvas). To be approved you must be able to build a relationship with people who are marginalized by society (direct, personal contact) and identify an on-site adult supervisor who will train, guide, and support you with your project, track hours, and communicate with the school. Call Ms. Andrea Casey, Director of Arrupe Center for Justice, with any questions: 503-291-5496 or email acasey@jesuitportland.org. 

Starting work at your placement

  1. Find out how to apply to volunteer at the agency that interests you. Visit their website or call them directly and talk with the volunteer coordinator about next steps (filling out an application, training, scheduling, etc.). Remember, if an agency is not on the approved list, you must submit an Approval Form to the Arrupe Center (and follow up to see if it has been approved!).
  2. Once accepted to an agency or program, be sure to bring the Christian Service Contract to your first day (training, orientation, etc.). Fill out Contract, and make sure your on-site supervisor and parents also fill it out. Submit this on Canvas before you begin or within the first five hours of service. This communicates to our office that you have a plan.
  3. Set up a clear work schedule with your on-site supervisor (the adult with whom you will work most closely). Treat your service as you would any job or internship (for example, be sure to call in if you are sick!).
  4. Remember to write in your journal every day you serve at your placement!

*Students can find the Christian Service Contract, Approval Form, Paper Guidelines, and other resources on the Service Projects Canvas course for their class.

Junior/Senior Christian Service Volunteer Opportunity List

Please check the Service Opportunities list for up-to-date information on service placements that fit the guidelines of the junior/senior project. Agencies listed on the JHS website are "pre-approved."

Independent Project
You might want to find your own service project or learn about an organization that is not on Jesuit's approved list. If you see a need in the community that you want to help meet, this can be an exciting opportunity. Of course, you must work in direct relationship with people who are marginalized, and you will need to identify an adult on-site supervisor who can guide you with your project and keep track of your hours. In order to get a new project approved, students must submit an Approval Form to the Arrupe Center for Justice.