

All Jesuit High School volunteers are required to obtain clearance and fulfill specific requirements prior to volunteering for any 2024-25 school activities. Jesuit will clear prospective volunteers from August 1 to September 15 and again from January 1 to February 15. 

How to Volunteer:

  1. Fill out a short Volunteer Clearance Form. Jesuit High School is committed to the protection of School students from sexual misconduct and abuse through the education and training of faculty, staff, coaches, clergy and volunteers about the causes, signs, and appropriate responses to sexual abuse and the prevention of such abuse. All volunteers must read and abide by Jesuit High School's Youth Protection Policy (included in the Volunteer Clearance Form). 
  2. Vector Training Solutions will email a link with volunteer training modules to complete (be on the lookout for this email!). 
  3. Tier 1 volunteers will receive an email from Legal Locators, a background search vendor, with additional instructions. This email will reference Roger Stewart (Jesuit's Human Resources Director) and his email address, but the information is submitted directly to the vendor. 
  4. Sign up for volunteer opportunities by clicking here. If you're an alum and would like to volunteer to be an adult leader on a Campus Ministry retreat, click here.
  5. The events and activities volunteer coordinator will contact you about your volunteer position(s).

For questions, please contact clearance@jesuitportland.org.